Gentle cycle…
Thank you all so much for your well wishes for Zachary and for me as well.My heart is so full right now, I think it could literally burst.In a good way. I am sorry that I was not able to get back to all of your lovely comments.It’s been a little hectic around here.I have…
There’s a first time for everything…
As a mother of two boys, I’ve encountered some things that would make your mother blush.After having a girl, it became quite clear the stark difference between boys and girls. My yellow toilet bowl and supply of anti-racing stripe strength Bleach are a strong testament to this. My boys leave me dumbfounded on a daily…
Bathing in Beauty…
All right, all right already, Enough about me.It seems as if all I’ve talked about the past few posts is me. My very bestest, greatest and sweetest friend in the whole entire world, has opened her own etsy shop! She makes handmade soaps and bathsalts in her kitchen, often using ingredients from her own garden…
Sunday Snippets Showcase…
I finally decided to splurge and buy myself a Showcase spot on etsy.It’s ALL day today.I’m hoping it will help me gain more notice with the patterns I just listed.I only have two patterns at the moment but the nice thing is, I can list any quantity I want to, so the listing will never…
the fine art (misery) of pattern writing…
UPDATE:The Romantic Fingerless Glove Pattern is now available in my etsy shop!!!YAY!!! I’ve jotted, scribbled, written, scratched, noted and painfully re-written this pattern to death.To the point where I could care less if I ever write another pattern again in my entire life. But at the same time, there’s something satisfying and liberating about this…
This blog is…
Evie @ The Road Less Traveled has graciously bestowed me with an Excellent Blog award.Aw, shucks be darn, Evie. I think you’re excellent, too. As a recipient, I am supposed to pass on this award to 10 other excellent bloggers. I am quite certain those that I choose to bless with this lovely award most…
testing, 1, 2, 3…
Wanted:Bored housewives, stressed out moms or Crocheters in need of therapy and a new, fun, free project. I’ve decided to sit down and write out a formal pattern for my fingerless gloves. I’ve searched Etsy and no one makes gloves like these. (with the ruffled edging and buttoned strap.) I’ve made a pair using my…
sunday snippets…
I just hope he’s insured.
If you get an afternoon off and it’s nice and chilly outside, turn off the heat and fire up the oven.You’re in for some twisted yumminess. Soft Pretzel Recipe These are the absolute BEST soft pretzels I have ever had! It’s a bit of work but well worth it.And it’s fun. I let the kids…