dear dribble faerie…

I have finally reached my breaking point. you are the straw that has grossly disfigured the curvature of this old camels back.

I have no kind things to say to you. I have entered the bathroom on a daily basis, to find a fluorescent trail mapping out your bad aim all over my porcelain throne.

I wipe, I bleach and the next day, there it is again.

I have had it. I have gotten after my three boys and they swear it isn’t them so I can only assume that it is you.

stop toying with me. enough playing games. this is going to end. now.

if I see signs of your unwanted presence again, I am afraid I’m going to have to take it out on my innocent boys.

this is your last chance at redemption.

Dribble Faeries worldwide, be warned!

a mother of 2 small boys and an exceptionally tall husband.

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5 responses to “dear dribble faerie…”

  1. Dribble Faerie. That’s so much more poetic than “Terrible Aim.” I don’t know how moms dealt with Dribble Faerie before the Lysol Wipes came on the scene…

  2. Melissa,
    I don’t know how moms dealt with Dribble Faerie before alcohol!!!
    (I’m joking, really.)
    I really think all homes should have a urinal in the bathroom, cleverly disguised behind a decorative cupboard facade.
    hmmmm…..“The Hidden Head 3000”~patent pending

  3. Honestly, is it really so difficult to control these things. Sometimes I think there should just be a separate mail bathroom with a trough…that I don’t have to clean.

  4. Buy some Urine Gone at Target and squirt down your bathroom once a week. I had to get right with the pee everywhere and move on. Oh, and cleaning the toilet is my hubby’s chore! 🙂

    I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve gone to sit on the toilet and my butt got wet from bad aim, or my socks got wet from bad aim. Now I look everywhere before I go in!

  5. Mrs. G,
    TELL me about it! or maybe, they should have a segregated outhouse that they can hose down from time to time. 😉

    That is exactly why I am fed up! I’ll have to keep my eye out for that Urine stuff. Thanks! 🙂