once bitten, twice shy…

just when you thought it was safe to go in the playroom……
enter the “two year old”.
with teeth as sharp as Ginzu knives and a jaw as powerful as a sharks.

this is a stage that is not new to us. Zander began his carnivorous tendencies about a year ago and stopped doing it for a while, after mommy bit him back.
“yes”, that’s what I said. I bit him back.
and I’m reluctantly considering doing it again.

I understood his frustration before. he was now a toddler.
a mute toddler with freshly emerged little pearl razor blades in his arsenal.
if something or someone bothered him, no problem.
“I’ll just bite them until I draw blood and my victim either kicks me off of them or until the screaming starts to bother me.”

but now that he is verbalizing along with everyone else and has no problem telling us his wants and needs, I’d say these “vicious volleys” must be thwarted.

if anybody has any suggestions, BESIDES reciprocating the attack, I am totally open to your wisdom and experience in this matter.

after trying every suggestion given to me, I have run out of ideas and I think raising my little white flag and coming to terms with the fact that I just don’t have all the answers is the first step towards taming the beast.

I’m just afraid I have bitten off way more than I can chew!

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One response to “once bitten, twice shy…”

  1. Oh boy… the biting. We have not experienced that yet, but I have a hunch it maybe isn’t too far away!

    I looked on my favorite advice website, and they are in the time out camp. I have also read about *gently* (not like older brothers do) flicking their mouth when they bite. We would put Margot in a time out if she bit, but that seems to work for us right now.

    Or for Zander, I guess you could take away access to your make up and markers for a day! Ha!

    Good luck!