giant drooling tomato…

my two year old just amazes me at times. and not in a good way.

on top of the endless running around he has me doing on an hourly basis, he has recently developed a very annoying habit.

incessant nose picking.

almost every child I know has gone through this stage but I am at a loss as to how to ween him of it.

he gets that finger so far up there, that he gives himself a nose bleed.

regular nose bleeds.

if you do something, and it causes something bad and unwanted to occur, you stop.
not if you’re two.

if you’re two, you go right back to doing it.

you go right back over to that light socket and continue right along trying to jam that butter knife in.

you run right back towards the street because mommy thinks that’s just hilarious when you ignore her frightful screams.

and when mommy tells you to get that finger out of your nose, you shove it up just a little deeper until your eyes tear up and begin to twitch.

sometimes I wonder what’s happened to my children’s brains.
I don’t remember dropping them on their heads when they were younger.

but when you stand there, asking them to do one simple thing, they suddenly turn into a giant vegetable. one capable of drooling and slurred speech.

I can only hope this stage passes and they will all go back to being the sweet little obedient children they were before.

yeah, right.
as I speak, I’m recalling my teen years and suddenly feel sick to my stomach.

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4 responses to “giant drooling tomato…”

  1. I am not looking forward to that stage!

    Margot’s new thing is putting EVERYTHING back in her mouth again. I though we were done with this! Last night she grabbed a fistful of dijon I was using to make vinagrette and shoved it in her mouth. Yick.


  2. This too will pass, but unfortunately it will be to something someday that will make you look back at this and say hey that wasn’t so bad. Like I bet the whole WHY thing your were blogging about not long ago doesn’t seem so horrifing now does it?

    On the other more cheerful hand there are those of us with younger kids who have more years ahead of this than you do. Next nose bleed just think you have two years less than I to go through and see if that just doesn’t brighten your day a little.

  3. My MIL used to tell her kids that the nose witch would come and take their nose away. She would pick up the phone and threaten to call the nose witch when she caught them with their finger in their nose.

    I am not advocating that you do this…I just wanted to share.

  4. Lauren,
    Zander’s thing is shoving as much of what’s in front of him in his mouth, all at once! then, the inevitable coughing and gagging follows.

    actually, that DOES make me feel better. thanks!
    you always know just how to brighten my day, don’t you?!

    that’s actually not a bad idea. (aside from the giant stretch of truth, of course.)
    I HAVE resorted to google-ing nose bleed and showing them the least horrific image I can find. does that work? no.
    I think I just have to wait it out. 🙁