bathtub bayonets…

alright, when exactly does the statute of limitations run out on bathing all three of your children together?
communal bathing, if you will.

I have always done this.
mainly because I only care to undergo this painful ritual once each time I do it, and not three separate times.
that, and it also takes up less water. (which I have to pay for.)

I’m sure there are a handful of mothers out there, reading this in complete horror.
“she does what? she still does that. but there are two boys and a girl. together!”

that judgmental voice is what popped into my head this afternoon.

while bathing all three of my children at once.
just like I always have…..

to my horror, I heard Zoe scream, “No, Zach! get that thing away from me!”

that’s right.
he was wielding something around that bathtub with so much pride.
as if it were a sword.
a tiny sword.
a wee sword, if you will. *childish snicker*

I shot up from the toilet seat as if my backside were on fire.
I grabbed a towel and rescued my innocent young daughter from the danger lurking in the tub.

that only took a minute, then I turned around to find both of my boys now valiantly jousting with their tiny weaponry.

this is a moment in a mother’s life that one would call a revelation.
and now that it has revealed itself to me, it has become blatantly obvious what I now must do.

never, EVER let my boys anywhere near a girl their entire lives.

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11 responses to “bathtub bayonets…”

  1. That is really funny!
    I have 3 little girls – 8,5, &2 and I bathe them together in an attempt to streamline the whole bath experience. The 8 year old is over this ritual. I think that I, too, am going to have to divide and conquer.
    Thanks for the laugh!

  2. I just stopped bathing all three of mine together. Now that Miles is in school he feels like such a big independent boy that I had to let him take his on baths.

    When Miles was little he used to think it was funny to take off his diaper when I was on the phone and grab himself and shoot at me with his junk telling me that he was shooting me with his penis laser.

    When you have a boy, you only have to worry about one penis. When you have a girl you have to worry about millions. I’m not letting any of my children around the opposite sex!

  3. we just recently started bathing the kids separately. The 2yo was starting to get grabby with her brother so we decided that it was time to separate them and have the talk about personal space and inappropriate touching.

  4. The bath conundrum. Is that how you spell conundrum? Anyway, my kids are the same gender order as yours and my girl stopped taking baths with her brothers when she was 4 or 5. Now my problem is whether to separate the boys. When they’re together in the bath, the get sooo riled up and water ends up flooding the floor. But I keep them together for the same reason everyone else seems to–one less bath!

  5. Oh, one more thing. Sometimes I get really lazy and try to convince my daughter to take a bath in the same water that the boys took a bath in(after they’ve gotten out). Is that totally gross? I’m not sure anymore. But, she says, “Eeeww, that’s BOY water!”

  6. Ahna,
    I used to dream about having all girls. but then thoughts like what Galadriel was saying pop into my head.(a million penises vs. one or two.)
    thanks for commenting.
    I checked out your blog and your daughters are so cute!

    my hubbie and my father-in-law both say the same thing regarding the penis thing.
    oh and Miles’ gun thing? mine too.
    simultaneously, throughout the entire house. I think I prefer they make them guns over swords. (swords have to touch at some point!!!!) 😛

    I’ve missed you!
    where have you been?
    I think you were quite wise in your bath cutoff with the oldest.
    I’m definitely following suit.
    see? you need your own blog to warn me of these things!!!!

  7. Heather,
    now seems to be THAT age for the numerous “talks”, huh?!!
    the other day, I had to deliver the “it’s not nice to grope your aunt, honey.” speech.

  8. Claudia,
    my boys thought it was funny, too!
    me? not so much.
    it’s always easier to laugh, when it’s not YOUR kids. 🙂

  9. Laurie,
    regarding your second comment…
    I bet if you asked the boys to bathe in your daughter’s water, they TOTALLY would!
    I haven’t met a boy yet, afraid of dirty water!

  10. ohmygosh I’m dying! =)

    I laughed reading your blog post, but then reading through these comments has sent me into a laughing fit! Oh man…this is one I’ll have to refer back to when I’m having a grumpy day!

    Oh, and my son hasn’t turned his into any kind of weaponry yet, but it is his constant companion and the reason I have to check 10 times a day to make sure he’s still dressed =P