Making gravel angels…
Alternate title: “How’d all these tiny rocks get in there, mom???!!!!!”
Asian Chicken Salad with a (lime) twist…
This is a yummy salad you can whip up on a warm summer evening. You don’t even need to turn on the stove. I have the hubby grill the chicken on the BBQ outside and the rest can be thrown together in the kitchen. Perfect for a late dinner after a long hike in the…
A rainy weekend, outside and in…
Leaving town, it looked as if we may be leaving gray skies behind and looking to blue skies ahead. But this is what met us in Portland. And it followed us all the way to the coast.There were a few breaks in the weather though…. so we at least, managed to get out and walk…
Back from the Sea…
We’re home! As much as we fought it, we had to return.The weekend went much too quickly, of course.But we did miss our little munchkins while we were away. And I brought you back some taffy, as promised…. I am exhausted , so I will fill you all in on our trip later.There is just…
We’re off!
Just like it was eight years ago….Childless and carefree. Well,….. for the weekend. I will be soaking up the sea air and gorging myself on all of the seafood I can possibly cram into my face.I’ll be sure to bring you all back some Taffy! 🙂 Hope you all have an equally lovely weekend.
You’re a wonderful father…
Enough said.
You make me reach higher…
Whenever I am wary, whenever I am in doubt….Whenever the stakes are high….The odds are against me…. Whenever the road is too long….Too narrow….Too cramped…. The air too thin….The sea too deep….The wind too fierce…. Whatever the storm, whatever the weather, you make me feel like I can do anything.
"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."
My sister and my very best friend are the only people I knew of that could make me laugh until I thought I would pee my pants. Then, I met you. The first time we spoke, I can’t even recall what we said but I remember the laughter.I remember not being able to wipe my…
A week of reflecting…
Today is a day for reflection.Reflecting on eight years.Years filled with joy, love, children and friendship.And so very much kindness. For as long as we’ve been together, he has woken early each morning and made me coffee.Uncoaxed by yours truly. At first, when we were dating, I thought it was just his cute little way…