And the Winners are….
Since I kept you all waiting for far too long to hear who the $50 whiletheyplay gift certificate winners are, I decided to select a THIRD winner! Click below to find out if you’re one of them…..brought to you by my little “munchkins“. Thanks so much to all of you who entered and also to…
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a climbing bar?
I have to say it. Jen@Juggling Life was able to successfully steal the very essence of my thoughts regarding this photo. Jenn, I’ll be emailing you shortly regarding your fab prize! When I initially uploaded the picture, that classic commercial actually popped into my head. And really, you all gave wonderfully creative and humorous captions.…
Caption This…
Comments are now closed. Thanks for playing!Winner to be announced tomorrow morning. 🙂 Okay, here is your mission, should you choose to accept it.Place the proper and most fitting title on this photo. Pick the perfect one and you will be rewarded with one of these. Ooooooh. Aaaaaah. I can think of no better way…
Blogoversary Giveaway…
I pride myself on having a good memory. Well, that is, a good memory when it comes to things altogether mundane and insignificant. For example, if you brought your sick baby into the Pediatrician’s office I worked in over 4 years ago, I could tell you not only your baby’s name but also your address,…
Congrats, Mrs. G!!!
I had the kids pull out two names from Zoe’s Hello Kitty basket and the owl tote goes to Mrs. G at Derfwad Manor.if you have not already visited her blog, go now! her writing is lovely and she is constantly cracking me up. I am thrilled that she was picked from the basket! as…
blog, part deux…
for a week now, I have been mischievously cheating on my little blog here.when it wasn’t looking, I created a new blog.behind it’s back. I know, it’s risky.and daring and bold. but I wanted a separate space for all of my treasured photographs.a place where I can let my nerdy tendencies flow freely. my camera…
a blogger blogged…
oh my! I am so blown away!I posted one of my Portland Zoo photos in a Flickr group called “World Through My Eyes” just 2 days ago and it has already been blogged!!! here is a link to the group page where I am blogged. (well, my photo, that is)it’s a page of all the…