Blogoversary Giveaway…

I pride myself on having a good memory.

Well, that is, a good memory when it comes to things altogether mundane and insignificant.

For example, if you brought your sick baby into the Pediatrician’s office I worked in over 4 years ago, I could tell you not only your baby’s name but also your address, phone number and your Primary Insurance company. Probably not the policy number though. (Now, that would just be silly!)

But take something even the slightest bit important, such as the appointment with the dentist that was booked over a month ago, because the dentist remarkably has a huge long list of people actually wanting to get in to see him so that he can inflict great pain upon them, THAT I can’t seem to keep logged away in my memory bank.

Or, when I get up to retrieve a glass of water in the kitchen, 25 seconds later, I find I am standing in the middle of the dining room with a bewildered look upon my face much like that of a novice hiker amidst an unfamiliar wooded area.

“Where am I? What day is it?”

So, it is sufficed to say, that when I realized today that back in January, it was my 1 year anniversary of blogging, an all too familiar feeling of stupor lay hold of me.

1 year!

Of blogging.

On this beautiful, bloggedy, bloggy, blogerific blogosphere, internet-y, world-wide-web-y, thing-y, here.

I look at this as a big deal. Yes, I am a loyal person, by nature. So it is no surprise that I’ve been able to keep this boat afloat.

But creatively speaking, when it comes to things I actually enjoy doing, the things that come straight from the heart, I have ADD tend to traverse from one hobby to the next. Migrating between two, three or four different projects that I find myself drawn to.
But usually, never just one.
this long.

This is a precedent.

And it should be marked and celebrated.

There, I marked it.
Now, to celebrate.

You didn’t see that one coming, did you?

Along with my blogg-i-liscious success, I have had great reception on my etsy shop, as well.
The custom orders are beginning to pile up. (I may need to hire secret helpers.)
And yet another milestone~today, I made my 50th sale!

So, I see no better reason to make this giveaway celebration a BIG one.

In liking to one of my favorite blog reads, Pioneer Woman, I have always wanted to hold “Give That Photo A Name” Contests, here.
And as all you loyal readers know, I have had my fair share of amusing pictures to choose from.

So, beginning Thursday morning, I will inaugurate the very first “Caption This!” Contest.
The main objective being, to give each photo a name, a good and proper name, one that would make it’s mom and dad proud. If it had a mom and dad.

I’ll see you all back on Thursday, for the big reveal. Come with your thinking caps on! You know what’s in it for you, if you do!

Now, go boot scoot on over to and do a little window shopping. Because you so know you’ve got the gusto to win this thing.

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4 responses to “Blogoversary Giveaway…”

  1. Wow, aren’t you the most generous little blogger?! Of course, I feel I should disqualify myself, unfortunately. I hope someone very worthy wins this prize.
    Congratulations on your one year anniversary!

  2. Wow, you have been online for a year? And have 50 sales? So happy for you! (And always happy for contest and parties…)

  3. 50 sales??? girl! give yourself a pat on the back! that’s AWESOME! 🙂

    …so is the blogging for a year, don’t get me wrong 😉

    That’s wonderful, and CONGRATULATIONS! Both are very exciting!

    …I’m also glad there is someone else wandering around their house, thirsty and confused 😉