Pretty in Pink…

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Today is Pink/Red in color week.

So, I give you all the pink and red I could find around me.

Psychedelic Furs, included!

What girl doesn’t have a little pink in her life?

Bubblegum Blossoms.

Okay, so that’s not the technical name but I like how it sounds. It rolls off the tongue.

My Pomegranate Beads. My mouth waters just looking at them.

And I dug this one up out of a Flickr challenge I did. Ooh la, la! You will never see this shade of lipstick on me outside of the house!

Hope everyone has a splendid Thursday!


I just made my 100th etsy sale this week, so there’s a celebratory surprise in store!

Stay tuned!!! πŸ™‚

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8 responses to “Pretty in Pink…”

  1. I love those flowers! I don’t know what the technical name is either, but they are beautiful and so are you, dear daughter!

  2. Oh… Pretty in Pink… Duckie love! sigh… What was Molly Ringwald thinking???

  3. Wow! Three lovely photos! those blossoms are beautiful – and that tune… flashbacks!!

  4. I say go forth and wear that shade proudly–you look beautiful.

  5. i love the color themes you have been doing! I SAW YOU LAST EVENING AT LONEY’S!!!!! I unfortunately was coming out of the store and was with a loud screaming guy in the parking lot – he was screaming about bird poop. I saw you in the car with the kids in the back and thought it was then when I saw your husband come out I knew it was you!!! I didn’t want to freak you out and beat on the window and act like a weirdo!

  6. Mom,
    Aw shucks be darn. Thanks, ma! πŸ™‚

    I hear ya! I roll my eyes at the end of that movie EVERY time!
    If you prefer the way it SHOULD have ended, there’s always “Some Kind of Wonderful”. Now there’s a great ending! πŸ™‚

    Thank you! (blushing)

    This is how addicted I am to music. I can’t even think of a color without it reminding me of a song! πŸ™‚

    Why thank you, daaawwwling! πŸ˜‰

    That is HILARIOUS!!!
    I noticed you guys before you even got out of the car and once you got out, Zoe said to me, “Those people are crazy!! What is wrong with them?”
    I thought maybe I would just catch ya the next time (when you weren’t with crazy people!) πŸ˜‰
    I swear, I was going to roll down my window and say “Hi” but I honestly wasn’t sure if you would even know who the heck I was. πŸ™‚
    Now, I know your hangout! πŸ˜‰

  7. I LOVE SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL!!!!!! That movie made me want to learn to play the drums!!! LOL πŸ™‚