You know the romance is gone…

when he whispers, “I bought you something.”
And it turns out to be a plier set and a new toilet plunger.

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8 responses to “You know the romance is gone…”

  1. I don’t know; not having a toilet plunger could definitely but a damper on the romantic atmosphere in the house!

  2. Tara,
    Your comment made me laugh out loud!
    I noticed on your blog that you live on Main Street. Do you live above the hardware store?
    I always thought it would be cool to live on top of a store downtown. (Especially, like the type of store in the movie, “Chocolat’”!) πŸ˜‰

    Yeah, it ain’t dead! It’s just residing in the bathroom! πŸ™‚

    You summed up the story line, exactly!
    I won’t tell you about the incident that preceded this little purchase. (It was NOT romantic!)

  3. hmmm….and i thought things were bad around here when both xmas and valentines day i received a starbucks gift card. initially sweet and thoughtful – but then darling shared his reasoning. i was going to spend the money anyways so he might as well get the fuelperks from the grocery store. *sigh* his guilt got him come my birthday though πŸ˜‰
    glad to see a new entry…i know i’m more or less just a lurker reading yours and other’s stories on all these mommy blogs – but i was concerned your boy had another asthma episode.

  4. hahaha!

    i’m definitely a lurker around here lately but i couldn’t help myself to comment on this one…

    at least you guys get stuff i usually get cash. which is not bad but wished my husband would put more thought into it. his excuse is that every time he tries to get me something he knows he’s going to get something i’m not going to like anyway.

    i really hope he tries for my birthday in a couple of weeks…sigh…

  5. lol hey, you’re lucky. All I got when I first heard those words was masking tape.