a blogger blogged, AGAIN!

I just finished a crocheted girl’s capelet yesterday and listed it in my shop. I also decided to upload the photo to Flickr for some shameless self-promotion.
About 10 minutes later, I received mail from someone congratulating me for having my photo featured on their blog!

You can find it, here.

I must say, I am sitting here at my keyboard with rosey-pink cheeks. It’s so touching to have people recognize my photography and not only say that they like it but that it changed their mood for the day. One lady told me that it brightened her day. Another said that it brought a smile to her face.

I can take comfort in knowing that something I love so very much is also something that can bring joy to someone else.

In case you forgot, or if you’re new to my blog, I had one of my photos blogged back in July.
It was actually the same Flickr group that blogged my bubble photo.

Here’s the photo: a zebra that was drinking at the watering hole at the Oregon Zoo.

Go check out the blog now, if you have the time. There is some truly amazing stuff from all kinds of wonderful Photographers.

The World Through My Eyes Blog.

And here is the Flickr TWTME Group page.
When you get there, you’ll also notice that my Bubble picture is their “icon” for the group page. Just for one day, though, so go check it out while you can!

This just makes all the weight of my previous week feel a bit lighter upon my shoulders!

On that happy note, have a beautiful, joyous, happ-happ-happy day!!!


5 responses to “a blogger blogged, AGAIN!”

  1. Congratulations! I always knew you were artistic and talented. I can honestly say, you got it from your very talented father, not me.

  2. Congratulations. That is an AMAZING photo!

    How do you live with all that talent?

    See ya later, gator.

  3. That’s so awesome! I hope you and your family are on the mend. Sydney is so anxious to see Zoe.