back to my roots…

I don’t know if it was just the fact that I turned thirty at the end of last month or what.
but I looked up towards the heavens and noticed bright, silvery strands standing proud and tall.
they were taunted me.
I think I may have even heard one of them call me “ma’am”.

at any rate, being the insanely vein person that I am, I reached for my trusty highlighting cap and industrial size tub of Kaleidacolor tonal bleach and spent the next hour on my mane.

I go through these periods of change like Paris Hilton goes through handbags. (or boyfriends)
so after altering my locks into subtle highlights, I looked into the mirror and sneered.
no, that isn’t working.
‘Ewww.”, I think, was my exact word. or something to that effect.

apparently, I was just in a brunette mood.
which seems logical, considering I was born a brunette.

when I met my husband, my hair was almost black. and that’s how he knows me. that’s what he’s used to and anything outside that scope he finds hard to deal with.

I went through my blond stage and I gotta say, “been there. done that. won’t be doi’n it again!”

so after reflecting on my roots, I grabbed a bottle of Clairol #37 and met up with my destiny.

ahhhh. that’s better. I’m me again. in my own skin. er, haircolor.
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7 responses to “back to my roots…”

  1. Oh, gosh. There is nothing like coloring your hair. Isn’t it amazing how much better it makes you feel? BTW, you’d look beautiful even if your hair was purple, pink and blue. πŸ™‚

  2. That is SO funny. I just did mine today. As I was doing, I thought, ‘I should really go darker…’

    Maybe next time.

    You look beautiful! The color is perfect!

  3. Oh how I miss coloring my hair. I’ve been so many different colors and the fun you can have just by opening a box of haircolor is unreal.

    Thanks for sending me on a trip down memory lane.

    Your hair looks great, btw!


  4. I was on my way to the store to buy hair color when I decided to check my e mail first. After checking that I always go to your blog. So it’s funny that you were talking about coloring your hair. And I too am going dark.

  5. Oh, see… Miss Clairol and I are BFF for that exact reason! And it’s going to stay that way. πŸ˜€

  6. you gals all crack me up!
    post about haircolor…and you all flock like a bunch of Beauty School students! πŸ™‚

    aw shucks!!*blushing*
    thank you sweetie.

    maybe it’s the season but the colder the weather gets, the darker my hair gets!
    and thank you. πŸ™‚

    and I DIDN’T even whip out the perm phase photos!!!(sound of faint screaming):O
    and thank you!

    that’s so weird! you know, our entire teen-hood into adult-hood, whenever you did something to your hair, I wanted to do it!
    great minds…… πŸ™‚

    the mistress of dye will forever rescue me from horrible hair days!

  7. lol…my “eww”s have been far worse. apparently my hair has some red that likes to come through when I try to dye it. …not in a good way πŸ˜›

    I’ve got a box sitting in the bathroom, waiting for me to summon up the guts =)