why I can’t be on the phone for longer than 10 minutes…


9 responses to “why I can’t be on the phone for longer than 10 minutes…”

  1. eeek!
    i found sebastian literally chewing on one of diego’s books yesterday, i caught him before he swallowed.. i think… ugh!

  2. i have some friends who have a red living room – it’s actually really pretty!

    i remember my little brother in my room, writing his name in permanent marker all over my stuff! argh!

  3. yeah, I’m trying my best to remain optimistic about something I can’t erase!
    I suppose ONE red wall wouldn’t be too bad, but I had hoped to keep my sewing room BRIGHT, not BOLD!
    (oh, aren’t little boys/bros great for re-purposing your possessions!)

  4. Oh jeez, I thought this was blood when I first saw it. Thank goodness! Hopefully Mr. Clean and his magic mystery sponge can remove this. Although, I like red. Red is fetching.

  5. So, Via actually colored her ENTIRE body with washable markers. I found her -butt naked – under the dining room table. Every inch of her face, neck, body, toes, finger nails, etc. was covered in very colorful marker. We had the discussion about coloring your body with her, then her father and I had the discussion about tatoos and what we’d allow her to do WHEN the day comes as a teenager. She was two years old. She promised never to color all of her body again.
    Then Noni was born. The next naked marker event was shortly after that Via had stripped Noni naked and taken them both under the dining room table and was busily coloring her naked baby sister. Yaya – the third girl, did not have the luxury of body coloring with washable markers. We’d thrown them away by the time she came around. Instead, she painted on lots and lots of “eye shadow” and “nail polish” and leg art with a permanent black Sharpie. Good Grief.
    I get very nervous when the house gets too quiet.

  6. Galadriel-
    Blood? well, this was the same exact spot my two year old runs and hides in when he has something he shouldn’t. it is usually a knife from the kitchen. (AHHHHHH!!!!)so blood was what I was picturing when I first found him.
    but as for the marker, it was permanent. so Mr Clean will not be working any of his magic on that wall!

    you’re not kidding!
    When my house gets quiet suddenly, it is like an Apocalyptic sign. I get very worried about what must be going on. and the long walk over to wherever they are at, is filled with fear all throughout my body.
    “did they get a hold of a knife and their taking turns using it?”
    “are they setting each other’s heads on fire?”
    it almost NEVER ends up being something innocent!

  7. Did this happen when you were on the phone with me? Opps! Well on the bright side, it will eventually come off of your child. And red isn’t sooooo bad for a room, maybe we can patchwork the walls all different colors, I’ve seen that done and it looked pretty cool.

  8. killz primer…for the wall anyway. I don’t think it’ll work on the boy 😉

    Mine just ‘colored’ our screen door green a couple of days ago. Lovely. Not permanant, but not washable either, and I haven’t had the energy to try to get it off. So its still a green striped door 🙂