looking back…

Zoe turned six on Sunday.
and today she begins Kindergarten.

four years ago, she was beginning to turn into an individual.
her voice was starting to show itself.
her likes and dislikes were beginning to form.

and now, four years later, her metamorphous stretches further on.
school will play a critical part in forming her personality and will help her discover what things she wants in life.

I’ve been going back and forth with my mixed emotions over this milestone.
and I’ve come to realize that this is the starting point of her long journey through life.

the past six years were just practice.


4 responses to “looking back…”

  1. I wondered how you two did this morning. Syd has done great after the first time. We’ve come to the agreement that mommy waits with her during the playground free time. And when the bell rings she cheerfully skips away. This morning I was hugging her goodbye, when the bell rung and I got a “MOMMMM I have to go!!!”

  2. Hugs* She looks like such a big girl. How you hanging in there Mommy? What are the boys doing? Zoe is going to be such a beautiful influence in some kids lives. I can’t wait to hear all about her new friends!

  3. I waited till my son was 6 to have him start Kindergarten also(he’s an August bday). We could’ve started him last year but we knew he needed that extra advantage. And now Zoe will be one of the older kids in her class and that’ll help her so much!