"welcome to walmart, how may I ignore you today?"

here is a little joke for you:

a man and a woman walk into a walmart.
there’s a blonde, a brunette and a short guy with acne working the Electrics Department.

how many sales associates does it take to help the man and woman?


what? not funny?
tell me about it.

after standing at the checkout for almost 5 minutes, 3 “sales associates” (and I use the term very loosely!) walk up to the checkout area and just mill around, like 3 little gerbils stuck in the same cage.

no “may I help you?”
no “I will be right with you.”

just a few dumbfounded blank stares coupled with silence and maybe even a little drool oozing down the corner of their mouths. and then they just walked off.


you can bet that if they were working on commission and knew we were buying a flat panel LCD, they would have been a little more attentive.

FINALLY, jason tracked one of them down in out in the wild (photo dept.) and guided them slowly back to their natural habitat. (the electronics dept.)

$450 (plus tax) later, we had ourselves a new t.v. and a very, very sad example of customer service.

now, I have no beef with Walmart, mind you.
I LOVE that place!
where else can you buy tonight’s dinner, shampoo, diapers, get your tires rotated and have your taxes done.
all in one stop.
all for a quarter.

my beef is with these so called sales people who could care less whether you buy anything or not.
they act as if they are in “the john” and you’ve just come barging in, asking them to hurry up and finish their business so they can ring you up.

every job I have had has been with the public. whether it be in person or over the phone, or both.
and let me tell you, I didn’t LOVE it!
but I put on my happy face and vowed I would not take out my bad day or my exhaustion from working fulltime, 9 months pregnant on the people I was facing that day.

where has the fake love gone?
can’t you just fake it?
you fake liking your boss.
you fake being happy with that lousy paycheck.
why can’t you fake being a decent person long enough for me to buy this package of diapers?

or even still, just acknowledge that I have walked through the front door?

now that I have exposed my beef with the customer service industry, share yours.
tell me what just totally gets your knickers in a twist.

where’s your beef?


2 responses to “"welcome to walmart, how may I ignore you today?"”

  1. Ugh.

    I have not been in a Circuit City for years because of this very thing – Apparently, I don’t look like I have money to spend because EVERY time I would go in there to buy something, I would be completely ignored. When I could coax someone to help me, I was practically mocked because I didn’t know what “Psychonauts” was.

    Ladies spend money on electronic crap too!

    PS – I am glad you guys are better. I missed you last weekend!

  2. we missed you guys, too.
    you definitely HAVE to come stay with US next time you’re here!