SuperMom prep…

In an effort to make school day mornings just slightly easier to bear, I’m getting a head start on breakfast.

Now, granted, you could just go and buy the boxed frozen cardboard grids at your local supermarket.
But where’s the fun in that?

Besides, this way you can say you made fresh homemade waffles for your family, showered, fixed your hair and got all three of the kids ready and still managed to save the world all before 8 o’clock.

Buttermilk Waffle Recipe:

pour 1 TB white vinegar in a 2 cup measuring glass. Add enough milk to reach the 2 cup mark.
let milk sour for 5 minutes.

add 2 eggs to milk and whisk with a fork.

in a large bowl, whisk together
2 cups flour
1 TB baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 TB sugar

Add soured milk to flour mixture and stir only until combined.
quickly stir in 4 TB melted butter
(or oil, if you would prefer. but I think butter gives a better flavor.)

For a crispier waffle I brush melted butter over the hot iron.
I use a large spring release ice cream scoop to ladle the batter onto the iron.
(you could use a 1/2 cup measuring cup instead.)

ladle 1 scoop of batter into each individual section.

Cook per waffle iron manufacturer’s instructions. (or when steam starts to billow out.)

Let waffles cool a bit and place on a clean cookie sheet.
Place the cookie sheet in the freezer to flash freeze for a couple hours.

Remove the waffles and transfer to a gallon size Ziplock bag.

At this point, I insert a straw in the bag and suck out all the air.
Tightly secure the zipper around the straw and remove the straw once all the air is removed.

(Go ahead, call me weird, but this helps prevent freezer burn and also keeps moisture from building on the waffles when you reheat them.)

I bag 8 waffles at a time because that’s how many the family goes through each morning.
(I shutter to think the amount of waffles we’ll go through once we get into the teenage years!)

To reheat, remove waffles and place in toaster on “warm” or “reheat” setting.
(If you just take the waffles out of the iron a bit early when initially cooking them, you can reheat them later using the regular toast setting.)

I personally don’t like reheating these in the Microwave because it steals away the crispiness.

Drizzle some sweet, amber-gold goodness all over your waffle and maybe add some fresh sliced peaches.
Then, introduce your breakfast to your butt and thighs.

speaking of butt and thighs.
Is there a low-fat version of this recipe?

don’t look at me.
I eat breakfast to fill myself up and get me through the day.
and I do want to actually keep it down.

If the calorie intake has you wary, do what I do and go for a walk later in the day.
Or play on the playground with your kids.
Or run a 10K.


good food is worth the sin, if your willing to compensate for it.
Pray for forgiveness through physical activity.
Your butt and thighs will forgive you.

*Note: this is just a once or twice a week luxury.
you don’t have to do this every morning.
I, myself, am a pushover for the 50 lb bag of generic cereal for a buck!


8 responses to “SuperMom prep…”

  1. hahaha!
    i love your super mom picture!
    you are indeed a super mom…

    wow! i’m very impressed, i don’t think the straw thing is weird, i’m going to actually try that, i despise freezer burn!…mmmm… waffles…

  2. Those are good waffles… We have had them before!!!

    I am all about the night before prep!

  3. I can’t wait to try this recipe. I premixed pancake batter except for the liquids to save time in the morning (I know you could buy bisquit, but I like you perfer the homemade.)

    I’ve never had success with freezing anything before like this so I will try the straw thing and if it works I’ll do a jump for joy.

    Thanks for the tip!

  4. Kalurah,

    We have a waffle iron that does mini hearts, so I’ll have to try this recipe with it. Doing it yourself is so much better than Bisquick and Eggo because you don’t get all the partially hydrogenated junk with it. So, good for you!

  5. …I’m sorry what?

    I saw pictures of waffles and I got distracted… 😉

    I’m going to try these (uh…after I buy a waffle iron! Right!) my son LOVES them but only gets them when we go out.

  6. So, I know what I’ll be doing this weekend. Love your super mom picture! What a riot.