sunday snippets…

a Manicurist’s worst nightmare! I put this nude shade of polish on back in April for a wedding.
never you mind, which part of April!

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14 responses to “sunday snippets…”

  1. Kalurah,
    Ha! Count me in. I put my nude nail polish on for a Morrissey concert 3 weeks ago(though black for a Morrissey concert would’ve been much more appropriate). Still got it on–barely–and by the looks of things it’s not coming off any time soon. With a few “special event” exceptions, I’ve pretty much given up on nail polish. With kids, we’re always washing our hands and, in my sad case, I’m always hand washing our dishes. What’s a girl to do?

  2. ladies,
    you don’t even WANT to see my toenail polish!!
    Morrisey? I can’t believe you like Morrissey! my best friend and sister both got me started on him. well, him and the Smiths! the only concerts I have been to are the Cure and Peter Murphy.
    I absolutely loved BOTH of them.
    I was actually about 2 weeks pregnant with my youngest for the Cure concert.
    let’s just hope he doesn’t dress like Robert Smith when he hits his teens! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    although, you will recall….

  3. Hey girls! Morrissey kissed my hand once and thank goodness my nails were just plain jane. My kids always think it a nice day for a sulk: )

  4. Kalurah,
    I won’t ask which part of April, but can I ask April of which year? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Kalurah,
    Yes, I LOVE Morrissey. And now that I am 30, I can say that I’d been waiting half my life to see him in concert. I also like The Cure! When I was in high school, I had a Cure poster above my bed, and pretty much EVERY time my mom walked into my room she would say, “That man scares me!!” Gosh, parents are sooo uncool. Wait, WE’RE the parents now. Let’s vow to be much cooler!
    Anyway, it’s kinda sad because most of the music I listen to now is the same music I was listening to 10-15 years ago. A lot of it is because music has seemed to generally suck nowadays.

  6. Galadriel,
    I bet you didn’t wash that hand for days!

    Oh… are SOOOO funnnnny!
    I think after this move, you and I need to treat ourselves to manicures somewhere!
    we both know, full well, we deserve it!!!

    I gotta agree with you about music TODAY! (BLECKK!)
    I don’t get to listen to too much Cure these days, as my husband threatens to pull the speakers out of the wall and throw them out the window when he hears Robert!(not a fan.)
    that Cure poster would be killer to put above his side of the bed while he’s asleep, though! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. I have to disagree about today’s music. I know saying so might make me a target for criticism but I have to step out there. Check out Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, Guided By Voices, Tom Waits, Belle & Sebastian, M. Ward, Jenny Lewis, The Raconteurs, Babyshambles, Wilco, etc… Seriously I think today is a great day for music.

  8. okay, okay. you are right Galadriel.
    well,…about Arcade Fire, Jenny Lewis, Belle and Sebastian and I do like some of Wilco. but I have never been able to get Tom Waits. it’s weird, I wish I could get him. but I don’t.
    all the music you like is all the same stuff my sister likes! she has her own radio show here in Walla Walla on KWCW college station every Tuesday @1pm pdt. you can here it streamed live online.(that is, if our government big wigs don’t get a hold of it FIRST!)
    thanks for the comment, Galadriel!

  9. Kalurah, my husband doesn’t get Tom Waits either! In fact we feel the same way about each other’s go to favorites. He likes Neil Young a lot. But I have never been able to “get” him. I can’t stand his voice and I think his lyrics are as cheesy as they come. My husband feels the same about Tom. To each his own hot dog! Just saying that I don’t like Neil Young out loud made me look over my shoulder to make sure someone wasn’t there waiting to give me a dirty look; )
    I promise I don’t usually have this much free time to chat. I have the day off.

  10. ooh! I have a big toe JUST like that, only purple. One half, of one toe, is still PURPLE. The rest is gone, just the one. I’m sure somehwere, a beutician is crying. ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Sarah,
    worldwide today, beauty service professionals gathered together for a day of mourning over the hands and feet of blogging mothers. ;-P