island view…
ah, ha! I am one step ahead of you very smart cookies! I’m sorry I didn’t mention in the previous post that I already have an island and I have managed to shove as much of my pantry in there that I humanly could! I have considered putting all my baking items in the island…
space case…
thank you all so much for your caring words! I really appreciate it. and you know, at the end of the day, when I’ve sighed my way all over the place and I’m at the very lowest point possible, I always have my blog gals to cheer me up. you are always here to give…
"Hudson Bathroom Calls Strike"
well, our family watering hole could take it no longer. it decided to call a strike this afternoon. my oldest son woke me up this morning yelling from the toilet.yes, yet another victim of the runs! I walked past the bathroom after about 3 of his trips to the toilet and then I saw it….…
long run time…
please pardon that horrible but achingly true pun! we have a three day convention that we attend each year in the summer in Kennewick, WA. we went yesterday and Jason drug himself around through the 108 degree heat as if someone had beat the holy tar out of him and left him for dead in…
passing the symbol…
well, today was a very eventful day. my folks watched the kiddo’s all day so Jason and I could get what was left finished! finished. a word that, lately, seems to have lost it’s definition. just when I’ve finished one thing, two or three more pop up beside me,behind me,in front of me,all around me!…
new beginnings, and the "runs"…
I am sitting here in my new home.in my husband’s new office.at 2:18 am.yes, that’s right.2:18 am. things have finally trickled their way down to a slow pace.I just finished two loads of laundry at our old place and filled the truck up to the brim!(you didn’t know trucks had brims, did you? my two…
dragonfly happiness…
umph….I am just too wiped to post anything substantial. what a llooonnnngggggg day! I just finished uploading some photos from my Nikon and I came across this little guy.my feet are swollen, my back is bent in half and I got sunburned while packing the truck. but when this picture popped up on my computer…
sunday snippets freak-out…
you beautiful, loyal readers! I knew I could count on you to tune in this weekend and see what was go’in on. as a reward for your loyalness, loyalbility? loyalality? loyalty! yes, there we go, as a reward for your loyalty, I give you a “sneak peek” into the new house. psst…don’t tell anyone you…
what lies beneath…
this is the image of terror that greeted me when my husband pulled out the stove this afternoon.although I admit, it is pretty horrific, I have to be honest. I was expecting much worse!at the very thought of tackling this grimy task, I pictured images of a huge pool of unidentifiable black goo. or a…
I’m in love with a bald man…
and yes. my husband knows.in fact, my husband is quite taken with him, as well. I’ve been using these “magical clean-y-do-wopper thingies” ever since they first hit the grocery store shelves.they are AWESOME!and for some reason, unbeknownst to myself, they hold some strange power over me. a cleaning power. a force, if you will. BEWARE!…