Category: insanity

  • My Winter WonderlaaaaAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks to having the most wonderful and understanding employers in the entire world, I have all of Christmas Break off of work. Two full weeks of relaxing, rejuvenating, therapeutic……Oh,…..wait, I forgot. My kids aren’t going to be in school….My three year old won’t be with my mother all day….For TWO WHOLE weeks!And thanks to two…

  • two heads are scarier than one…

    Zoe only has 2 weeks until school starts and I’m already fearing for my life. once my wonderful little helper and Mediator is gone, I will be left alone with “the boys”.when they’re all together at once, it can get insane, I admit. but the level in which the boys “let loose” is quadrupled when…

  • it is 10:48 pm…

    and I am so depressed that this is my first encounter with my computer today.(aside from a quick comment on my favorite NEW blog. today was, however, somewhat eventful. I got some things taken care of in preperation for our new dwelling. we move in this weekend quietly screaming and I have to finish boxing…

  • recipes from a two year old…

    a collection of interesting concoctions Zander has made up in the past while playing in the kitchen, unbeknownst to mommy. Rice Cooker Surprise tempura chickencinnamon combine ingredients into a rice cooker already filled with steamed rice. stir. NOTE: make sure your mommy is out of the room before trying out this recipe. Carpet Pancakes a…