Meet "Calla"!

Ooooohh…..pretty. pretty. pretty.
I love her! I have been sifting through the creative “floaters” drifting around in my head lately for something “Springy” or “Summery” to create for the shop.

Bathing suit? Uh……no. Head band? Too……boring.

Too bad I can’t get hats to sell this time of year. Ooh! Wait!!
And then I pictured those lovely gals like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly basking in the summer sun, while wearing one of these.

In my head, the hat was way bigger. And much floppier. A quite exaggerated version of what I created.
I may make up something bolder like that later in the summer.

But for now, here she is. A very low-key, classic version of a beautiful cloche. What do you think?

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10 responses to “Meet "Calla"!”

  1. Beautiful! Everyone should wear a hat in the summer to protect their young, healthy skin from the formidable summer sun. I wish I had been more careful about wearing a hat when I was younger so I wouldn’t have so many dark spots on my face. Good genes took care of the wrinkle problem, but I never thought about the ravages to my skin tone from the sun over the years. Hey, your Dad said he’s looking for a hat…hmm…no I guess this is a bit feminine for him. Ha! Ha!

  2. The hat looks great! Have you thought about working something (wire, boning, or heck I don’t know what) into the brim to keep it from wilting as it is worn?

  3. I think I would wear that hat! And I’m not even a hat grrrl. But a more pressing question – can I have your hair too? *sigh*

  4. So kicky and elegant, this hat.

    I love my earrings! LOVE them. The little lockets are REAL.

  5. Yeah, mom. I could crochet this out of strips of Flannel! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    You know, I was thinking about that. And I am actually working on ANOTHER version that works in the front loops as you begin to increase so that it has a gentle slope outward.
    It should be ready to publish soon.
    Let me know if ya want to try the pattern and I’ll email it to ya! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ya know, I’m not a hat girl either but when summer comes around, I get deathly afraid of that UV getting on my face!
    I DON’T. WANT. WRINKLES. !.!.!.!

    Mrs. G,
    Oh goodie! I am so glad you like them!
    A little helpful hint, if you EVER get photos printed at Walmart or RiteAid/Walgreens, check the box that say’s “Print a thumbnail Index”. Those ar ethe PERFECT size for those lockets!! ๐Ÿ™‚