Sunday Snippets…

Brought to you by Mr. While they play:

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5 responses to “Sunday Snippets…”

  1. ahh man! this makes me want to get our star wars stuff out!!! my husband has the millenium falcon sitting on the top of his desk with an x-wing fighter too. They would be great out in the snow!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! Let me guess…Zach was playing in the snow? He is such a Star Wars fan and I am his fan. I miss him muches. I need to come by when I dig my way out of the snow to get my hair cut tomorrow. I have a bunch more Avon boxes for you. The delivery guy finally made it here tonight while your Dad & Keisha were gone to the store. How did you like the gloves?

  3. Hahaha! I bet that storm trooper WISHES it were Tatooine!

    Can you email me your mailing address, please? I lost your business card and still CANNOT find it anywhere.