Monday Replay…

Just because I need a good laugh today and to serve as a little reminder that….it could be worse:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

There’s a first time for everything…

As a mother of two boys, I’ve encountered some things that would make your mother blush.
After having a girl, it became quite clear the stark difference between boys and girls. My yellow toilet bowl and supply of anti-racing stripe strength Bleach are a strong testament to this.

My boys leave me dumbfounded on a daily basis, thinking up new and inventive ways to crush any hopes that they may someday manage to make it to age 12.
Between the fist fights, running with scissors, sliding down the stairs in laundry baskets and riding their bikes naked, I often seek comfort by assuming that these must be things that are common among little boys.

But this afternoon, my 2 year old had me questioning “life” itself.

I can’t imagine what on earth this child was thinking when he found himself covered in a wad of gum and came asking his mother for help in removing said gum from said one’s

In all my days, in all my “mother of two boys” life, I have never experienced the horror that is
slathering peanut butter on your 2 year old’s nether region.

No mother should have to succumb to this.
And I am pretty certain the lady OR gentlemen on the other line of the Jif 1-800 24 hour support line doesn’t want to either.

My unsympathetic mother tried making light of the situation by stating that “at least he has no hair there, yet!”

Gee, thanks. mom. Thanks for reminding me of one more thing I have to look forward to.

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4 responses to “Monday Replay…”

  1. Is he ok now? I hope so. My cousin when hewas a little boy drunk a all bottle of medicine because it tasted like candy. Every kid has its thing. I once fell from a couch and a week later a huge bump appeared in my head. My parents freaked out and toke me to the hospital it was a concussion from the fall that was only showing itself a week later.Today I wear glasses because of that incident.

    See, even I’ve survived.

  2. I remember when you first posted this. hahahaha I remember thinking that your kids are so adorable and yet at the same time, stories like this make me glad that I have dogs. hahahahahaha, I have to say that I have never had to slather up my dog with PB. LOLROF. I needed a good laugh too. Thanks!

  3. this is one of those stories that you will hold over his head for the rest of his life! LOVE IT.
    as the mother of 3 sons, i offer a little advice – olive oil works much much better than peanut butter 😀 LOL

  4. Rebecca,
    Oh, your kidding! Olive Oil, of course…that makes perfect sense.
    Perhaps I should write all these household tips down somewhere for my friends who have boys. They could really benefit!