Found Treasure…

I’ve been trying for I don’t know how long to get into the Etsy Treasury and I finally made it in.
We’re talking about a 5-8 second window here. I just barely slid through.

Actually, I cheated a bit and logged into my Open Shutter shoppe on one computer and logged in under my Whiletheyplay shoppe on the other computer.

So I managed to get two treasuries.
Two computers are better than one! 😉

Here is my Open Shutter Treasury: Pictures of You

And here’s my Whiletheyplay Treasury: From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea

If you get a chance, leave a comment on both treasuries!


One response to “Found Treasure…”

  1. You’ve been a busy bee since I’ve last checked in! Congrats on your new venture. I adore your photos–esp. the “Tummy” shots. I’m trying to do that more, esp. with my kids.