a date with fall…

I have been making an honest effort.
I want to like Fall and I want to like Winter.
especially, after hearing all your great responses to the Great Bitch Fest of 2007!

putting all of my (very logical) reasons aside, I just can’t see myself getting by the next several months with this much animosity and anguish bottled up inside me.

I set up a play-date for myself with my arch-enemy, Fall and I tried to let down all the barriers I have put up around me for all of these years.

These are some of the “highlights” from our play-date. I will treasure them and look upon them often so that I can remind myself that Fall’s really not all that bad!

I really can’t argue with the beauty and grace of the falling leaves……

and the wonderment and pure joy on my children’s rosy little faces, as they skip through the leaves….

But I still want to cry when I say “goodbye” to my beloved friend, as he quickly kisses the horizon at only 4:30 pm…..

But overall, I enjoyed soaking it all up. relishing in the moment and only focusing on the joys of the season, with the ones that I love……

I only hope Fall can take it easy on me during his stay this year. That way Winter won’t seem so harsh when he comes around to visit!
I am, after all, only human.
And I have very weak lungs…..

still, there may be hope yet.
here is photographic documentation of a tiny flint of Fall Joy……


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3 responses to “a date with fall…”

  1. thank you, Frances!
    let me know if you’d like to enter the Owl bag giveaway. (the deadline is midnight!) 🙂

  2. lol…we’ll get you to the dark side yet! 😉

    ok, except for the fact that here its…41, heading down to 32 tonite. The beginning of November. Oh January should be FUN! =P

    So while I still LOATHE summer, and its sticky, humid, sweaty, “too hot to get up and turn the AC down” self. ….I’m suddenly remembering how much I hate below zero temps.

    A quandry, I tell ya!