what’s in a (middle) name?

Bari has middle name “tagged” me!
so it seems that I’m supposed to name some of my favorite things for each letter in my middle name. an Anagram, of sorts???

here goes.


Michiko means beautiful, wise child in Japanese.
named for one of my great aunts in Japan, whom I have never met.
and who is probably long passed now.
she sent me a Japanese origami mobile when I was born and I still give my mother a tongue-lashing for not assuring it’s safety, so that I could’ve passed it on to my daughter.

aaaaaaanyway….moving onto business.

M making. I love to bake, cook, sew, crochet, cut and paste, blog, photograph. the art of “making”. pouring my heart and soul into a creation is so satisfying!

Ice cream. French Vanilla, to be exact. I actually went an entire week eating Tillamook French Vanilla Ice cream for lunch everyday. no regrets. no shame. just me and my sweet French lover. I even lost 2 lbs that week. but the dimples on my butt still haven’t forgotten my brief affair.

Coffee. everyone who knows me, knows coffee is my life! it is my existence. without it, you would not be able to come within a couple feet of me. I started my coffee kick at the tender age of 12.
and I’ll admit it. I don’t even find the taste appealing at this point. but I NEED it. I CRAVE it. it smells like poop and tastes like dirt but I MUST have at least 3 cups of it a day! I MUST!
and no. I am NOT addicted to it. what would even make you think that?

H my husband. I have got the greatest one I could have ever asked for. he’s my best friend. he makes me laugh. he tells me he loves me every hour on the hour. I’m actually beginning to wonder if this is just a nervous “tick”???

another “I”??!! boy, you don’t know how tempting it is to use Icecream again. that’s how much I love it!!! (in case you hadn’t already picked up on it.)
how about “I can’t think of another thing beginning with I.”???
okay, let’s go with……. the Internet. this lovely place where thoughts and wishes burst out allover the place and you never know who they will stick to.

K Kids. mine, mostly. I think if I’d never met my children before and I picked them out of a line-up, I would choose my own as my very favorite.
they make me thankful that I’m a mom. they make me laugh, cry and want to run away screaming, all at the same time. motherhood is the most challenging thing I’ve ever pursued. even harder than Marriage. (that’s a breeze!)
but my kids are the greatest adventure I have ever stumbled upon and I’m so thankful to be their mom.

O the Ocean. I love the ocean. I love just sitting and watching it for hours. I truly believe that if I could live on the beach right smack in front of the ocean, I would be perfectly happy every single day of the rest of my life. my hair could have fallen all out from my kids driving me nuts and I could have gained 90 pounds from my French Vanilla ice cream diet.
and I WOULDN’T care. I would plop my bald, fat self down in the sand with a huge dumb grin on my face. staring at the sea. forever.

now, on to the deceitful business of tagging others!
Richelle, Sarah, Galadriel (I am DIEING to find out your middle name!) and Heather.

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5 responses to “what’s in a (middle) name?”

  1. it’s funny how things we love SO much totally escape us when we sit down and try to recall them.

  2. ah, I LOVE your list. With the exception of Ice cream, I love them all the same! (well, and your husband. I’m sure he’s great an all, don’t get me wrong. But I much prefer my own!) 😉

    …and I’m not anti-ice cream. But for some reason ever since I had my son its just “eh”. weird.

  3. Kalurah, have I told you how much I love your name? Now I love it even more! What a lovely name. You are not going to be disappointed when I tell the world my middle “names” tomorrow. I don’t think I’ll be able to come up with enough stuff to represent each letter in my names. But, how much fun it’s going to be! Thanks for tagging me. I’ve never been tagged before. You are the very first! Stay tuned little lady.