low point…

the epitome of the ‘flu’.
falling asleep while holding your barf bowl.

4 responses to “low point…”

  1. ..and in a chair too! I hope this is from last week and that you guys aren’t still fighting it.

  2. Poor Zach man.

    Here’s an order: Everyone has to feel better by next weekend!! We’ll be over to visit and see your new digs!

  3. Heather,
    yes, that photo is from last week.
    I just ran across it when I was going through the pictures on my memory card.

    I lost count of how many times I said, “poor kid” over the past week.

    I can’t wait for you to see the place.
    but don’t expect much. I still have lots of stuff in boxes and my yard looks like it needs a good can of Kerosene and a match.
    see ya next weekend!