~2007~ ~2009~
Back to School Do…
The perfect big-girl hairdo for our first-grader!No more drama when it comes time to run a brush through it every morning before school.
Missing: Two tonsils and a six-year-old’s smile…
Pre-surgery, Zoe was upbeat and willing. Ready and raring to go.“Are you nervous, sweetie?”“Pffffft! No.” (As if to say, “Mommy! I AM six years old, I KNOW what I’m doing!”)What a brave little girl! The “relaxing” medicine they gave her right before hand was the most entertaining part of our day. Although, watching my little…
Send Zoe thoughtful wishes today…
Congratulations, Zoe!!!
Monday night was our little Kindergartener’s graduation. I admit, I let one or two little tears slide down my left cheek but I quickly covered them with my Nikon and I was able to collect myself. Seeing her up there, I realized how much she has actually grown this year. Not just physically.She amazes me…
"Am I grown up YET, mommy?"
Note the very mature press-on nails.Because you know, ALL of us grownup ladies like wearing these. Just look at how old she looks in this picture~Is she trying to give me an early cardiac episode? I’ll be hiding in my room, curled up in fetal position, holding her baby book tightly…in case any of you…
"why CAN’T I hang this on the fridge, honey?"…
sunday snippets…
“The Z-Gang stage yet another daring wagon train robbery.”
to Zoe…
you may recall this sweet post from the beginning of this month.Zoe has a special way of touching me when she’s not even around. she does it without even knowing it. I can’t help but think to myself that she’s going to grow up and she’s not going to offer up these little endearments as…
haircutting with Pinocchio’s little sister…
“Zoe, what were you doing in the bathroom just now?” “Nothing.” “Oh really. You weren’t in there cutting your hair?” “No.” “Okay, I’m gonna ask you again.Did you cut your own hair?” “No.” “I give up!”