autumn crisp, in the air and in the kitchen…
I am a summer girl, through and through.every year, as summer fades away and autumn’s crisp air flows in through the windows, I am saddened.I say, “goodbye” to my tan.“goodbye” to my tanktop drawer.and the cute little bottle of sunscreen on my keychain. the one thing I do relish in when autumn arrives, is BAKING!I…
summer fling…
as promised, here is my recipe for the best fresh peach scones this side of Georgia. I’ve made these scones with fresh berries, as well. and my daughter prefers them sans-fruit with a sprinkling of cinnamon sugar on top. either way, they have a crunchy, sweet top with a soft, flaky, buttery pastry beneath. (all…
the last of the summer peaches…
summer is on it’s way out the proverbial “door”.alot of things are passing us by.not only our children, as they rush out the door to school.but also some of the juiciest, sweetest parts of summer. the last of the summer peaches are just crying out to us.they’ve had a good, long run and now their…
pie hole…
okay, so everyone who knows me is familiar with the fact that I bake. wait….let me correct myself. I LOVE to bake. I live, eat and breathe baking. it’s just what I do. I do it without exception. sick, on vacation, 2 o’clock in the morning, broken arm…. (okay maybe never that last one.) but…