5 Minutes of Fame….
My mother was minding her own business today when she got a call from an old friend in Florida. “Did you enter a contest for the Bonnie Hunt Show????” “Uh,….yeah.” “Well, I was watching it this morning and they said your name and YOU won!!!!” My mom wrote in a very funny caption for this…
does this look like the face of a 30 year old?
……………… good answer. thirty years ago today, the U.S.S.R. performed nuclear tests at Novaya Zemlya, U.S.S.R.Ringo released his “Ringo the 4th” album.and my mother was relieved of her 12 thousand hour labor with me. this is not a big deal, people. it’s not.I know a hand full of people who have made it to thirty…
hug your mama tight…
motherhood is a life-changing event.you grow to understand things that up until now, you couldn’t wrap your head around before. like, for instance, your relationship with your own mother. not understanding why she wouldn’t let you go to the dance with that boy that was 3 years older.or why on earth she was so unreasonable…
recipes from a two year old…
a collection of interesting concoctions Zander has made up in the past while playing in the kitchen, unbeknownst to mommy. Rice Cooker Surprise tempura chickencinnamon combine ingredients into a rice cooker already filled with steamed rice. stir. NOTE: make sure your mommy is out of the room before trying out this recipe. Carpet Pancakes a…
slowing down
staying home to raise my 3 young children has caused me to reach down deep within my self and re-discover things that I have ALWAYS yearned to do and create, but never had time for before. how funny that having children would create more “time” for myself? time to ponder and reflect…and imagine again. just…