One Word Wednedsay…
Making gravel angels…
Alternate title: “How’d all these tiny rocks get in there, mom???!!!!!”
Sunday Snippets…
Lego Love
Words you will only hear a mother say…..
“Why is there butter in your ear?”
Tuesday Replay…
From Thursday, June 7, 2007 recipes from a two year old… a collection of interesting concoctions Zander has made up in the past while playing in the kitchen, unbeknownst to mommy. Rice Cooker Surprise tempura chickencinnamon combine ingredients into a rice cooker already filled with steamed rice. stir. NOTE: make sure your mommy is out…
sunday snippets…
I just hope he’s insured.
********Official Housecleaning Uniform********
Is this a sign from the Post Master General?
I’m not gonna blow smoke up your skirts, ladies. I’ll admit it. I don’t like to clean.Let it be known, henceforth.I love crafting. I loathe household chores. Martha Stewart , I am.Donna Reed, I am not. I have three little children that keep me on my toes, as it is, what with waitressing, boogie-wiping, t.v.…
take a deep breathe in…
What on earth would I do with myself if I didn’t have at least one member of my family to nurse, dope up and coddle for a week at a time?I can honestly say that I don’t think an entire 2 weeks have passed around here without ONE of my children having one form or…
the "F" word…
post update: I know, I know.I think this is awful and it has truly upset me. I have felt like no one around me gets just how damaging this could be to small, impressionable ones. My hubbie gave me a look, the first time I pointed it out, like, “Yeah. So? Society today is rude…