Category: hospital

  • Signs you were in the hospital TOO long…

    You dial 9 first, before calling your mother.Even though you’re using your home phone.From home.You catch your son “placing an IV” on his brother, during bathtime.Using a medicine dropper and small plastic soda bottle.“2 liters of Johnson’s Baby Wash, STAT!!!” You write down every movement your child has throughout the day.Except, you write it on […]

  • shallow breathing…

    It’s dark. It’s quiet. The alarms have finally shut off and the only sound in the room is the hollow echo of my sweet boy’s painful breaths. We’re back here again. I’ve grown quite used to the signs at this point. Short, shallow breaths, coughing, wheezing, and watching what looks like his tiny heart try […]

  • Our weekend in pictures…

  • take a deep breathe in…

    What on earth would I do with myself if I didn’t have at least one member of my family to nurse, dope up and coddle for a week at a time?I can honestly say that I don’t think an entire 2 weeks have passed around here without ONE of my children having one form or […]