Monday Replay…

Originally posted on Wednesday, August 22, 2007

mommy, P.I. …..

when Zander came upstairs last night, enveloped in a lovely scent and sporting a thick, white creamy cloud on top of his head, I:

first, placed him in the tub and lather, rinsed and repeated. about three or four times.
secondly, went downstairs to investigate.
thirdly, discovered this…

the new play tunnel my folks got the kids for a housewarming gift.
I followed this rich, creamy trail further down into the tunnel….

I concluded: either, a small cave-child was loose in my basement or this was the work of my now, freshly bathed boy.

I went with the latter.

this is, in no way, related to the fact that I was upstairs working peacefully, hand-quilting a blanket.


this was because Zander wants to see to it that mommy is guaranteed absolutely no lee weigh when it comes to things she enjoys doing all by herself.

mommy doesn’t need any time to herself.

no, she enjoys cleaning Desitin off a slippery, wet two year old right in the middle of her relaxing hand quilting time.

and she just loves going downstairs and crawling on her hands and knees through a tiny vinyl tube with a rag and bottle of all-purpose cleaner with built in grease-fighter.

that is so much more fun than what mommy was already doing!

especially when mommy got back upstairs to find that someone pulled her needle out of her quilt and lost it.

oh, will the fun never end!

needless to say, mommy was a bit frazzled.
and aside from the fact that I now have to go and buy another tube of Desitin, go locate a missing needle in an 11X24 foot room, and replenish my Mr Clean supply, it could be worse.

I could have a small cave-child loose in my basement.


Lauren said…

Yep, that is an unmistakable smell.

And what the (bleep) do they put in that stuff that makes it adhere to ANYTHING? We still have stains on Margot’s changing pad that will be there until the end of the world.

Hope the clean up went fast πŸ™‚

kalurah said…

nothing lighter fluid and a match couldn’t fix!
kidding. πŸ™‚
I used a scorching hot rag in non-diluted Mr Clean, then rinsed repeatedly with plain hot water.
the entire basement wreaked of cleaner!

Galadriel Thompson said…

Headlines read: “Small, slippery cave child smelling of diaper butt has staked his claim over the sanity of the woman who has raised him from time of his introduction into the civilized world!

This kind woman has forcefully been reduced to a cleaning lady without pay. She must clean his cave daily or the diaper butt smelling Cave Child will subliminally force the other inhabitants to revolt as well.

She has no free time and her will is being broken.

If you have any heart at all you will write your local senator and plead for her amnesty.”

I sure wish I could have seen you trying to get through that tunnel!
Hope you find that needle too! I’d help but I’m over here trying to keep Danger Baby from eating his sisters hair.

Richelle said…

Okay first why in the world didn’t Jason get a pictureof you crawling through the tunnel?

Second, remember at times like this previous posts on how much you love them.

Third, I’M SORRY!

What can I say, I quit trying to do anything constructive and relaxing while they are awake after Aric unraveled four rows out of my current afgan. I just went to the kitchen to get lunch!

And daddy’s woder why wehand them over and run as soon as they walk through the door. *wink*

kalurah said…

you crack me up!
I think you should have written my post for me!
I STILL haven’t found the needle.
and YEAH RIGHT! like I would have even LET my hubbie take a photo of me crawling through that thing!
I already handed over my pride with the “monkey bars” post!

Jason knew if he took THAT picture, there would be hell to pay!
I was ALREADY shooting flames from my ears!
and yes, I did actually run away yesterday afternoon, the second he got off work, I was at the front door with my bag in tow.
and he said, “Enjoy yourself,hun.”

hiccupp said…

Ok I laughed at Galadriel’s post πŸ˜‰

egh…glad you got out after that one. πŸ™‚

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One response to “Monday Replay…”

  1. Aaaaaggggrrrrrhhh! Desitin! How greasy! How NOT fun to clean up. And during your alone time. But I bet he had gobs of fun!