Signs you were in the hospital TOO long…

You dial 9 first, before calling your mother.
Even though you’re using your home phone.
From home.

You catch your son “placing an IV” on his brother, during bathtime.

Using a medicine dropper and small plastic soda bottle.
“2 liters of Johnson’s Baby Wash, STAT!!!”

You write down every movement your child has throughout the day.
Except, you write it on your refrigerator door instead of that Oversized Eraser Board they use in the hospital.

You’re craving apple juice.
In those tiny, little 2 ounce cans.

You can’t sleep comfortably.
Unless you’re lying haphazardly in an awkward hospital recliner.
With your head cricked to one side.

You press “1616” on the telephone for Cashew Tofu Stir Fry.
But alas, it never arrives.

You’ve turned the whole house upside down.
And you still can’t find that confounded Nurse button.

You’ve never been SO happy to be home.

Even though you’re still catching up on the laundry.

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4 responses to “Signs you were in the hospital TOO long…”

  1. too funny! I stayed with my Grandma after she had knee surgery and I was so stir crazy, even with going home at night and sleeping in an actual house. I can only imagine what you went through. Wouldn’t you think that they could invest in some slightly more comfortable chairs and a few magazines that aren’t from the eighties? 🙂

  2. Hmm, sounds familiar. After spending 4 days sleeping in the notorious hospital recliner when your brother was in last summer, I was so sleepy at home afterwards that I fell asleep in the recliner and thought, “Hey, why am I sleeping in this recliner when I have a perfectly comfortable bed just a few steps away?” And just where is that darn nurse call button? And hey, no beepin alarm going off all night long! OH, it’s good to be home, isn’t it?

  3. The dialing “9” cracked me up! Yes, it’s good for you to be home and appreciate NOT being there!

  4. A lady in the side bar yelled at me for almost leaving without commenting. Yeesh.

    I’m so glad you are home and your son is doing better.

    LOVE your crochet projects. Very pretty and feminine.