"Field" trip…

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Since Zoe was a baby, I have always taken the kids photos myself. I really see no point in paying someone else, who doesn’t really know my child, to capture them on film.
I would much rather have the job, myself.

Each picture reveals their own special personality.

When I look back on their photos, I remember that I said, “Hey guys look! Bigfoot is behind me!” to get them to look my direction.

And I can recall the specific reason each child was laughing in each picture.

These are all moments I would have missed had I not been behind that lens each and every time. And I feel very honored that I can share these moments in time with them now and when they’re all grown up.

Besides that’s why we capture these moments.
To hold on. To remember. To reflect.

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7 responses to “"Field" trip…”

  1. i agree, if i had kids i would want to be the one taking their pictures. i hate those set up staged photo studio walmart photos, very impersonal. you do a great job and the kids will love them much more because of that.

  2. The photos are all wonderful, though I like the way she is holding her skirt in the first one.

  3. Oh my goodness–those pictures of your children are BEAUTIFUL!
    I hate the staged set-ups at photo studios as well. More & more & I am starting to take my own photos of my wee ones.