Green Monday…

Leya, of Curious Bird has started a week of color and each day is a different hue.

I’ll be joining the fray and coloring my week.

I find today to be quite easy to follow, as it was nearly 80 degrees out, so the boys and I went for a walk and played at the park.

Plenty of green to go around!

Hoping you had a very green Monday. 🙂
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3 responses to “Green Monday…”

  1. I envy you so! My monday consisted of patients telling me how pretty it was outside. I left the house at 7:45 am and got home at 6:45 pm. Let me tell you I hate mondays!

    Glad you had a great one, and got some fun pictures too!

  2. No, no. No sympathy here, girl.
    Not for someone that got to have real, one on one contact with Adult -type human beings.
    There’s days that I feel my IQ beginning to slip backwards.
    Seriously though, you are lucky to get the adult interaction on a daily basis.
    I’m the one that goes into the unfamiliar grocery store on a road trip and asks (without even thinking about it) “Where is your potty?”