Our weekend in pictures…

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19 responses to “Our weekend in pictures…”

  1. We are finally home and so glad to be!
    Zach is still struggling with his breathing (off of the oxygen) so we are giving him Nebulizer treatments every 2-4 hours. He did develop Bronchitis and the antibiotics they gave him in the hospital should clear that up but his cough is still pretty nasty!
    He’s just glad he gets to be home again! πŸ™‚

  2. That’s an all-too-familiar sight for me. I’m sorry your little one was in hospital! Does he get as excited as my guy (who thinks that Children’s Hospital in Philly is the best place ever, because they’ve got Playstation in every room?) For the longest time, he thought that only hospitals had video games!

  3. oh poor little guy, we are going through the whole diagnostic stage of asthma with my 4 (almost 5 in his words) year old so this really scares me.

    Hopefully your little one wont need to go back any time soon (anytime at all would be the best though)…

  4. Yes, what a wonderful way to spend a couple of days. I do believe the hospital should reserve a room for us at any time, since we seem to visit so frequently. I feel bad we weren’t able to help out today since we spent 13 hours helping your Aunte Tina move. What a job! I told her next time she moves we’re busy that weekend, whenever that may be. Especially to a second floor apartment. Yikes! Give Zach our love and hugs. We should be able to see him tomorrow.

  5. your pictures bring tears to my eyes. my littlest guy has been on a nebulizer (or first experience) for a week for rsv and brochiliosis and all i can think about now is asthma. i hope your poor guy is feeling better.

  6. Hi lovely Kalurah! Just awarded you one of those chain awards and you will turn into a frog if you don’t pass it on, so ya’ better get a move on!

  7. Laura,
    He had an asthma attack early Thursday morning and when we took him to the doctor his O2 sat. was at 86%. (should be 100%) They gave him 2 Nebulizer treatments and he was still having trouble breathing with no change in his sat., so they admitted him.
    They put him on an IV, oxygen, steroids and antibiotics for the Bronchitis that had developed in his lungs. He just barely escaped Pneumonia.
    Placing the IV and drawing blood for labs was the worst part of all of it. He looked into my eyes and PLEADED with me to make it all stop. I tried so hard not to cry because I knew it wouldn’t help him.
    Then all night long, he continually ripped out his oxygen tube, so the nurse and I would have to fight him to get it back in, as he kicked and screamed at us.
    No mother wants to see her sweet boy in that type of state.
    He was just so exhausted from it all. He just wanted it all to be over.
    He is finally at home after two days and is back to his vibrant, happy self.
    I am determined to do everything in my power to keep this from happening again, avoiding all of his triggers. (cold air, pet dander, smoke)
    This must be the world’s longest comment.
    Thanks for your virtual hugs, Laura! πŸ™‚

  8. gosh, kalurah, i hope all is well right now. these pictures scared me! poor little guy.

    sounds like you all are on the up swing. you are such a strong mother, i could only hope to handle things as well as you seem to! πŸ™‚

    sending hugs.

  9. oh poor kiddo πŸ™ glad to hear he’s feeling better!!

    While its not the same, when my Zach had surgery I was a WRECK all day (and ok, maybe the few days afterwards!) All the worry and emotions was just so DRAINING.

    Here’s hoping you all enjoy a quiet day recouperating!

    (and I’ll learn how to spell recouperating later!) πŸ˜‰

  10. Oh Kalurah!!! I was out-of-town with no access to the internet and totally missed this post. I’m sorry you guys had such a horrible couple of days and am incredibly relieved that he’s on the mend.

    Many hugs to you and your little one, K!!!


  11. Oh my– I haven’t been here in awhile. You poor thing. Here’s the one time I won’t be throwing out my own stories: just offering you my heart in yours! I’m glad he’s better!!