to Zoe…

you may recall this sweet post from the beginning of this month.
Zoe has a special way of touching me when she’s not even around. she does it without even knowing it.

I can’t help but think to myself that she’s going to grow up and she’s not going to offer up these little endearments as willingly as she does now.
I keep telling myself to cherish them. soak them up and revel in them while I can.
and in turn, I want her to know how much I love her.

so begins a new tradition.
I’m gonna sneak these little notes to her wherever I can.
just so she never forgets.

that I love her too.
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6 responses to “to Zoe…”

  1. Ohhhh that is SOOOO CUTE!!!!! Such a sweet idea! Did she find it yet?

    And how did your sister’s hair turn out?

  2. My mom did this same thing for me when i was in grade school. i always had a silly, funny little note in my lunch. It was great, I loved it! I am sure Zoe will love it too!

    You are a great mom!!! 🙂

  3. I put a note very similiar to that in my sons lunch during the first week of school. When he came home I found it unopened and wet at the bottom of his lunchbag!

    Maybe I should try again.

  4. Nin,
    when I asked her if she got it, she came up to me and hugged me. I took that as a “yes”.
    p.s my sister’s hair turned out so well, I decided to do mine too! 😉

    thank you for saying so! 🙂

    aren’t children fickle?

  5. Ahhh. You really are a great mom. And those kids are so lucky to have you. If she doesn’t toss out those notes at school, stick them in a book for her. She can have them all back later… when she goes to college, or has a baby of her own.
    (Did I mention this idea to you earlier? I am hooked on this one, I guess. Daddyman has faithfully been tucking notes in his girls pockets and lunches and notebooks. And I have been faithfully retrieving them and saving them for the future. I am such a sap!)