sunday snippets…

“The Z-Gang stage yet another daring wagon train robbery.”
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3 responses to “sunday snippets…”

  1. That’s a very fun photo.
    I do a unit in my elementary theater class called “photo play.” The kids are given a whole bunch of photos that have no captions. I refuse to tell them anything about the photos, and they have to use their imaginations to create a viable story. You know, what happened just before this photo was taken? What happens after this photo is taken.
    The end result of this unit is that each small group of kids has a play that is based on ideas from a photo.
    The reason I am telling you all of that is, I have been working on that unit with my 4th graders recently, and I saw this wonderful photo, and my mind was racing: I think these little scampers were racing butterflies. OR These little people heard the sirens call of the prairie ice cream wagon, and away they went.
    It made me giggle. And I needed that tonight. Thanks.

  2. that’s such a cool idea, Ahna!
    you’re so creative. 🙂
    I’m glad I could make you giggle Sunday!